
Some foods are more energizing than others, and if we’re going to reaching for a midday snack we might as well reach for one that’s really going to power us through. Quick fixes like caffeine and sugar will give you a boost, but it only lasts so long before it makes you crash, so there are some better options out there for energy longevity. Here are some of the best snack options for giving you a burst of energy and hopefully taking the edge of your hunger as well.

Trail Mix

Trail mix gained its name and popularity for a reason. It’s portable, isn’t quick to go bad, and it can be a great source of energy. (Just go light on the chocolate pieces.) Nuts are a good source of magnesium which helps to breakdown glucose into energy. Almonds and pumpkin seeds are particularly good choices. The protein and fiber in nuts will also help to stabilize your blood sugar and avoid energy crashes.

The dried fruit in trail mix can give you a boost of natural sugar, just be sure and get a kind that hasn’t been sweetened during the drying process. In fact making your own trail mix can be a great way to control what goes into it and also keep in top of portion control. Store it in individual baggies to begin with and then you can just grab one and head out the door.

A Green Drink

Instead of reaching for an afternoon cup of coffee, you might want to try going for a green drink instead. Juices that are made mostly with green stuff are going to be lower in sugar but high in goodness as far as nutrients are concerned. Dark leafy greens are a good source of iron which helps energy production by encouraging the red blood cells to deliver oxygen throughout the body. Greens are also a good source of vitamin C which helps to absorb the iron from the greens, and also keeps your adrenal gland working properly.

Healthy Energy Bars

There’s nothing wrong with grabbing an energy bar to take to work as long as it’s one of the healthy varieties. You can’t really beat the ease and the convenience of that. Luckily there are tons of healthy options out there. Go for one that has been naturally sweetened with dates. Dates are high in fiber but easily digested. They contain B-vitamins that can help with your energy levels, as well as iron and electrolytes.


If you still like the idea of getting an energy boost from a hot drink, you might want to try matcha. Matcha does contain caffeine like all green tea, but it is unique in how the body can use for a longer amount of time instead of having a rush and crash of energy. This is more sustainable, and it also cuts out the effects of overstimulation like feeling jittery. You can also add matcha powder to other juices or smoothies.


3 thoughts on “Foods that Will Give You a Burst of Energy”
  1. I did not realize that matcha was actually better for you than other caffeine, I thought that was just a trendy thing

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