Squat Emphasis Training Day

Workout Notes

Today is my last workout before vacation. My lower back is still sore from the elevated sumo deadlifts from 2 workouts ago. Apparently, I don’t have the hip mobility and/or core strength I thought I had to perform elevated sumo’s perfectly. When I get back from vacation, I still plan on using a linear progression model for sumo’s but it won’t be an elevated sumo.


As you’ll see below, my squats are 20 reps. What I’ve found with many hardgainers, especially myself, is that we can’t handle a heavy deadlift and heavy squat during the same week. Every time I’ve tried lifting heavy on both exercises during the same microcycle both lifts have struggled. Thus, I rotate volume/intensity every 8 weeks, alternating between the two lifts.

Also, I know several premier strength and conditioning coaches think you should separate power and strength completely into different phases. I can’t argue with that. However, I still consider myself a beginner when it comes to athletic training so my nervous and muscular systems are still malleable enough to respond to both within the same workout. Once I get to the point of cleaning 300+ pounds and  squatting ATG 400+ pounds, I’ll make the switch to alternating strength and power phases.

One last point I’d like to make is if you aren’t foam rolling and performing a little mobility/activation work prior to your workout, you’re leaving strength on the table. I’ve tried working out without my preworkout routine, and it never seems to fail that my lifts are 5-10lbs weaker, and my jumps are 2-4″ lower.

Day 3 – 2o Rep Squat

Foam Roll – IT Band, Quad, Hamstring, Glute, Calves

Movement Prep – Inchworm Complex, KB Goblet Squat, KB Windmill, KB Halo, Med Lunge Matrix, ASLR with band, Overhead Band Wall Squat, Lateral Band Walks (Toes), Single Leg Glute Bridge, Hip Airplanes, Band TKEs


A1. 1-Arm Db Snatch 3×3 per arm –

A2. Band Face Pull with ext. rotation 3x 20 reps –

A3. Mini Hurdle to Hurdle Jump 3×5 reps –


B1. Squat work up to 20 reps –

B2. Weighted Side Plank 3 max –

C1. Reverse Valslide Lunge 1 KB 4×6-8 reps –

c2. 1-Arm DB Row 4×6-8 reps –


D1. Sled Pull 3 x 20 yards

D2. Hanging Leg Raise 3×12

