9. The Introduction

Source: awwnimals.com

Although both were a little hesitant to meet at first, Kago quickly became curious of the furry little cheetah and went right up to check him out! Their curious and open minded nature is why dogs are perfectly suited as companions.

Source: awwnimals.com

Although this type of companionship would not likely occur in the wild, dogs and cheetahs have been paired together in supervised facilities for nearly 30 years. The dog offers a calm demeanor which soothes cheetahs who are often spooked easily. Since dogs are more protective, they are able to calm and protect the cheetah from any perceived danger. They also make amazing playmates as their energy levels will often match one another.

Over time, a relationship started to develop between the two and Kumbali started to come out of his shell. And as you will see, Kumbali really starts to come out of his shell!

By Daniel

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