Rejection happens when a person does not get reciprocated with the positive emotion he has for someone. It is not just between lovers, but rejection happens among family members, at school, in the work place, and so much more.

Rejection from Childhood to Adulthood

A child can feel rejected by his parents if they do not accept him for what he is – say, he is a homosexual, or the parents do not approve of his chosen course. At school, a boy can feel rejected if he is turned down by the person whom he has special feelings for, or he can also be rejected by his peers. At work, a man can be rejected in so many ways. It can be against sexual orientation, race, or religious beliefs.

Whatever form it is, it is something that a person will bring with him for a long period of time. Some men may not even recover from it and may show in his interpersonal relationships. The brain remembers the emotional pain longer than the physical pain. The pain from rejection lingers. Some employ various methods of defense mechanism in order to prevent being hurt again.

How to Move On

If you experience emotional pain and you want to move on and forget the past, here are some pieces of advice on how you can start all over again. It may not be easy, but taking baby steps will help you recover from your emotional pain.


Exercise is a good way to release all the tension from your physical body. If you exercise, you elevate the dopamine level, a hormone responsible for making you feel good about yourself. Make an effort to include at least three hours per week, and you will soon feel that you are slowly getting out of your depressed mode.


Learn something new. Self-development is a good way to ease out from depression. If you do not know how to cook, take up some short courses and develop your skills in cooking. Take up a new sport. You will meet new and interesting people. By getting more socially active, you open up yourself to many new possibilities and you welcome life with a renewed energy. Go to unchartered territories. Experiment and do something that you always wanted to do but never had the chance to do so.

Physical contact

This does not mean that to recover from rejection is that you will engage in sexual activities. By touch, it means that you hug the people who are close to you, your family and your friends who understand what you are going through. By giving hugs and receiving hugs, you increase the level of oxytocin in the brain. This is responsible for making you feel happy. It is referred to as the love hormone. You can sleep soundly knowing that there are people who love and accept you.

Rejection is hard to deal with. The important thing is for you to get up and move on. There is so much to life than dwelling about the emotional hurt someone has inflicted on you.

By Daniel

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