If you arrive early at the office and are the last one to leave, there might be some ways to improve efficiency. Check out the following time-saving tips to improve efficiency and productivity:

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  1. If your office allows it, work from home as much as possible. Commuting takes up significant time.
  2. Put an in-tray on your desk for all incoming papers that require your attention. An in-tray provides a place for documents that will need your attention, but not immediately.
  3. Report to work early. The body is naturally active between 8 and 10 in the morning. Your best and most effective work gets done in that period.
  4. When you get to the office, make a to-do list. Do the toughest task(s) ahead of the others. They need more of your energy and focus, which are at the highest level earlier in the day.
  5. When a project gets sent to you, ask if it’s really a task for you or if someone is merely tossing it onto your list of things to do. Sometimes, you need to speak out to be treated fairly in the workplace.
  6. Take your lunch a little later. If your momentum carries you through lunch, tackle the task and grab lunch after you’re done with the half-day hustle. The headway you make in the morning will have already put you ahead for the afternoon, when your energy level is much lower.
  7. Focus on the task, especially if it’s a major one. Multi-tasking is not always productive.
  8. If you have a say in picking your teammates, choose the go-getters. If you have the misfortune of being paired with a procrastinator, learn to kick some butt.

By Daniel

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