corner kick

Soccer is one of the most watched sports all over the world, and the corner kick is one of the most thrilling aspects of the game. In fact, one can argue that he’s one of the most popular athletes in general. In some countries, it is referred to as football.  It is considered to be a beautiful game because it requires technical skills, team play, and individual contribution.

It requires a lot of hard work in order to master each of the moves in soccer to be able to win a game, and one of which is the corner kick. It is advisable to start playing at a young age so the child can grasp all the components of the game. But don’t worry if you’re already an adult. You can still master moves like how to bend it like Beckham.

Practice is the only way to master the moves of the game. It is one of the most strenuous sport activities, as it involves so much running around the field. If you want to improve your corner kick, here are some tips on how to nail it well. This type of a kick is very vital in the offense.

How to Nail a Corner Kick

This type of a kick is a method of restarting a play. It is awarded to the team if the ball passes over the goal line and a defending player touched the ball last.

These are the steps on how to score directly from a corner kick. This shot is extremely difficult and it requires a lot of patience and practice in order to perfect the kick. It is one of the skills that a player, whether college level or professional level, must learn how to do. It requires good kicking power, lift, curving ability, and accuracy.

  1. Position the ball as far away from the goal line. It has to be in a stable and flat section of the field.
  2. Focus and visualize where you want the ball to go. If you are positioned on the left corner, kick the ball using your right foot, and vise-versa.
  3. By kicking the ball high, it will start to go away from the goal and will curve towards it. The ball should land on the goal line right about the space in between the post in front of you and the keeper. It would make it more difficult for the keeper to save.
  4. Next step in a corner kick is to kick the ball as powerful and accurate as you can and aim for the goal.
  5. Kick the right side of the ball to create a counter-clockwise spin, curving the ball inwards.

It is a very demanding sport; hence, you need to practice and persevere in order to perfect your shots, including the corner kick. Beckham is known for his accurate shots. Watch him play and read more and practice the drills daily so you would be able to bend it like Beckham.

By Daniel

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